WEH® Check Valve TVR5 H₂ - Product family

for buses and trucks and fueling stations

With the TVR5 H2 WEH offers a high-performance check valve especially for hydrogen buses and trucks. The WEH® TVR5 H2 check valves provide a reliable function wherever hydrogen should only flow in one direction within a pipe system and must be prevented from a return flow.

The check valve system is designed to minimize the effect of dirt particles on the sealing components within the unit.

The WEH® TVR5 H2 Check Valve is constructed of corrosion-resistant stainless steel achieving a very durable unit due to its robust internal structure.

Campo di pressione
PN = 35 MPa | PS = 45 MPa
Campo di temperatura
-40 °C fino a +85 °C
Acciaio inox antiruggine
Materiali delle guarnizioni
Restistenti al idrogeno
Inclusi i raccordi (per collegamento a vite)
  • Acciaio inossidabile
  • Elevata tenuta
  • Apertura e chiusura silenziose
  • Costruzione compatta

Check valve for buses and trucks, also suitable for installation in hydrogen fueling stations.
The WEH® TVR5 H2 product family is offered as a return flow prevention acc. to DIN EN 736-1 for installation in H2 systems and pipelines.

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